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你猜我不猜 管理员能不能帮我删两条悬赏,我要放大了
06-02 10:40
你猜我不猜 管理员能不能帮我删两条悬赏,我要放大了
06-02 10:40
06-02 05:12
06-02 05:11
HEWEIAI删帖 帖子评论区@喵小吉真是可爱
06-02 03:44
06-02 02:29
06-02 00:45
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06-01 22:15
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06-01 21:52
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06-01 21:03
06-01 20:18
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06-01 20:01
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06-01 18:14
06-01 18:06
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06-01 17:59
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06-01 17:09
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06-01 12:52
omg4383万车票 重金悬赏1T 115空间卡,许愿也行。 https://sijishes.com/thread-225664-1-1.html (出处: 司机社)
06-01 12:10
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06-01 12:00
06-01 11:39
06-01 11:22
06-01 10:59
你猜我不猜 有老司机看下悬赏吗
06-01 07:57
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05-31 20:35
05-31 20:27
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05-31 20:21
05-31 20:01
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 17:14:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-16 05:54 编辑

Matt groaned loudly as he looked down at the goddess writhing on his cock. She watched wide eyed as Matt expertly fucked her with long, deep strokes. Her mouth was open in a silent scream as he increased his speed. 20 or so seconds later Karlie screamed as her pussy clamped down onto Matt's cock and began to ripple up and down his shaft. He cursed loudly as he watched her face twist in agony at the huge orgasm his giant cock was giving her. Karlie went limp for a minute and lay under Matt panting and whispering. He slowed his pace but never stopped fucking her. After a while she began to hump her hips up at Matt in a half-hearted effort to get more dick. She looked at him and smiled while biting her lip as she shoved her drooling pussy back at him. They did this for what seemed like hours, his steady fucking giving her periodic orgasms. He stared into her eyes as she would come, her fantastic body undulating helplessly beneath him. Eventually Matt had to switch positions or risk coming too soon.

Matt sat up and laid back, and after a moment Karlie was fucking herself slowly up and down on his thick pole. The supermodel moaned deeply as the big cock reached places no other man had. Matt played with her tits as he watched her pussy lips being pulled in and out by his thick dick. He grabbed her thin waist and held her still, loving the feel of her pussy constricting his manhood. Very deliberately he began to flex his cock inside the model. Karlie's eyes flew wide-open and she held her breath as her perfect pussy clamped tighter onto Matt's massive tool. He then yanked her down hard, forcing the last of his dick into her spasming cunt. Immediately Karlie began to shudder violently. Her screams filled the room as her overfilled cunt exploded in orgasm after orgasm. Matt continued to hold her firmly down, now grinding up into her clit while still flexing his giant pussy pleaser. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she went limp in his powerful hands. Matt was sure he had fucked the hot model unconscious. He had done it before to lesser girls, so he wasn't surprised. But he was amazed to feel her twat still contracting crazily around his cock. Knowing she couldn't last much longer, he decided to get the most out of the amazing pussy sucking at his dick.


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vincentrxw 发表于 2023-12-16 18:13:35 | 显示全部楼层

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Gh20230619 发表于 2023-12-16 20:06:30 | 显示全部楼层
她把钱包扔在地上,爬到大圆床柔软的床单上,眼睛一直盯着马特。马特走近床边,但没有加入她。卡莉跪在地上爬到他身边,开始解开他的衬衫扣子。她把长长的脖子向上拉,试图亲吻马特,当她意识到他仍然太高时,她撅起了嘴。他咧嘴一笑,吩咐她,俯下身来轻轻地吻她。卡莉的呼吸加快了,当他们的嘴唇第一次相遇时,她的心扑通扑通地跳动。她慢慢地用舌头在他身上旋转,同时把他的衬衫放下,盖在他的健美运动员身上。它一结束,她就中断了吻,开始慢慢抚摸他粗壮的肌肉。当她用修剪整齐的指甲检查他宽阔的胸膛和六包腹肌时,她的眼睛因欲望而眯起。 “嗯,那你也做模特吗?她一边问,一边心不在焉地捏着他的胸肌。“你的身体真是太棒了,马特。” “不,从来没有做过模特。我不能坐得太久,无法拍照。他一边说,一边继续惊叹于他神一样的体格。 过了一会儿,他用大手抓住她 23 英寸的腰,把她抱起来,把她抱在他强壮的怀抱里。当他第二次深深地吻她时,他自言自语地笑了笑,因为她感觉到她小小的身躯在他躯干隆起的肌肉上微微颤抖。他把她放下,让她面对着他站着,伸手在她身后拉开裙子的拉链。她迅速耸了耸肩,骄傲地站在马特面前,双手放在臀部上,将她完美的乳房推向他。卡莉穿着一件蕾丝黑色胸罩,像两个太阳古铜色的桃子一样将她的乳房举起。她的内裤也是黑色蕾丝,看起来像是用大约两平方英寸的材料制成的。 卡莉笑了笑,马特吹了一声口哨表示赞赏。他感觉到他先前控制的鸡巴开始搅动,因为他做了一个通用的手势,“转过身来,让我看看那个屁股。她做到了,他没有失望。她咧嘴一笑,俏皮地拍了拍她紧绷的发髻,马特笑了起来。 “卡莉,你的身体很棒。你做过模特吗?“当她转过身来面对他时,他试图认真地说。 “你太有趣了!你知道我是维多利亚的秘密的模特!当马特和她一起笑时,她性感地咯咯笑着。 她走近了,慢慢地从他的胸膛一直到他的裤子顶部画了一条线。 “现在你给我看?”她用非常性感的声音问道,几乎直视着他的眼睛。 马特笑了笑,轻松地把她扔到床上。她高兴地尖叫着,蹦蹦跳跳地钻进柔软的缎面被子里。 马特慢慢地解开腰带,把它从裤子的环里滑了出来。他能看到她眼中充满希望的期待,笑了。他把裤子脱到脚踝上,当她的表情从希望变成惊讶时,他大声笑了起来。他半硬的鸡巴和巨大的球在他的黑色骑师短裤上形成了一个淫秽的凸起。布料使劲容纳着正在生长的蟒蛇,卡莉喘着粗气,因为马特将它变成了全尺寸。慢慢地,它膨胀了,从他的短裤顶部滑了出来,一秒一秒地变大。马特踢掉鞋子,脱下裤子,一直看着她的脸从惊讶变成肆意的欲望。他脱下内裤,给他的鸡巴拉了几下,以帮助它变硬。几秒钟后,它完全变硬了,几乎笔直地指向上方。
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-16 22:59:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-16 08:32 编辑


"I'm gonna fuck you from behind now, okay gorgeous?" Matt said as he began to maneuver the nearly comatose girl onto her knees. He did so without ever withdrawing from her slowly relaxing cunt.

"Uhhhhhhhhh......big cock......I love your big cock....fuck me with your big cock please..." she whispered sexily as she looked back over her shoulder.

Matt could only stare back at the goddess stuck on his dick. Karlie's hair was a mess, but it only made her look sexier. He flexed his cock once more, eliciting a low purr from the supermodel. Matt gripped her delicate waist in his strong hands and pulled all but the head of his bulky cock from her airtight pussy. Before Karlie could protest, the muscle-bound stud began to power-fuck his mammoth cock into her defenseless pussy with long, fast strokes. He could feel her cunt trying to pull his dick back in on his out strokes. Matt moaned loudly as he felt the momentum of his fucking smack his sperm swollen balls against Karlie's clit. He was mesmerized by the sight of her taught ass bouncing off his cock and the sound of their hard bodies slapping wetly together. Without missing a beat, Matt grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms behind her and used the extra leverage to increase the strength behind his fuck-strokes.

`"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH JEEEEEZZZUS FUCK ME GOD FUCK ME FUCKMEFUCKMEFUCKME FUCKING FUCK ME!! Karlie screamed as Matt went to work, battering and stretching her twat at ridiculous speeds.

The poor girl's shrieks echoed throughout the room as her mind tried frantically to cope with the constant orgasm ripping through her body. After ten minutes or so, Matt saw her head drop and realized it was time to wrap it up. Pulling her back against his chest he allowed himself to lose control. He dropped her arms and began to maul her tits just as he felt his heavy balls jump. Yelling loudly he began to shoot the first of many ounces of cum directly into her womb. For nearly a minute he came, flooding the now unconscious model with his sperm. Matt let her fall forward onto the bed, grimacing as he worked his now sensitive dick out her come soaked pussy. He stood up from the bed and pulled some covers over the sleeping girl. Matt picked up her purse, and found her cell phone. Flipping it open he found the number he was looking for.



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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-17 01:33:03 | 显示全部楼层

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njunk_try 发表于 2023-12-17 02:15:09 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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Gh20230619 发表于 2023-12-17 06:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
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白久久 发表于 2023-12-18 00:01:46 | 显示全部楼层
google 翻译会帮助我的
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addoiles 发表于 2023-12-18 16:53:25 | 显示全部楼层
my english too bad to understand what up writed
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lilili986753 发表于 2023-12-18 22:14:15 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-19 11:51:34 | 显示全部楼层
lilili986753 发表于 2023-12-18 05:14

Skr Skr~~
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-19 11:52:06 | 显示全部楼层
addoiles 发表于 2023-12-17 23:53
my english too bad to understand what up writed

I believe you can.
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thnko 发表于 2023-12-20 05:57:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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zjhf 发表于 2023-12-20 19:10:57 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
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lurenzt 发表于 2023-12-21 19:48:14 | 显示全部楼层
大佬的签名又回来了 泪目
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-21 19:52:02 | 显示全部楼层
lurenzt 发表于 2023-12-21 02:48
大佬的签名又回来了 泪目

不至于~ 随便一发~
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-22 22:08:02 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-22 23:32:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-22 06:43 编辑

Her nipple disappeared between his lips. Her eyes opened and she turned toward Tim. He knew that expression. Until this week he had only seen it in fashion show. And once in a photoshot. But no more than a half dozen times. Now he was seeing it every day.


His hands were rough and strong. She wasn't used to this kind of pressure. He sucked at her nipple like he wanted to take it off.

And her pussy gushed at all of it.

A rush of doubt suddenly swept through her. What had she done? Out in the middle of nowhere like this, what if things got out of hand?

She heard herself gasp as he attacked the other one. Her body was responding in ways that were unfamiliar to her. It was as though she was under the influence of some primal mating urge. Despite her concern, it felt to her that her pussy was literally opening up, waiting and ready for this stranger to insert himself in her. Is this how animals respond? Hormones and instincts driving behavior without regard to emotions, or relationships, or moral values? Maybe there was no morality to sex. Only biology. A deep-seated need to mate for procreation or pleasure or whatever else was convenient or necessary.

She wasn't completely sure that she wanted biology to dictate what happened next, but she wanted something to happen. She slid her hands between her open legs and realized that her juices were running down her thighs.

Daniel saw it, too. He dropped his right hand to her crotch and curved his fingers under her, applying pressure just as she had done earlier that morning on the beach. This felt better.

She resisted the instincts that told her to lie back, spread her legs, and let this stranger bury himself and plant his seed in her. She still wasn't sure how far she wanted this little adventure to go, but she was certainly not going to allow animal desire to completely control her. Instead, she touched him. She reached for his dick, grasping it as though she were shaking hands.

It was slightly longer than Tim's; about the same thickness, but the head formed a point, making it look like a missile. She gently tugged at it and he groaned his approval.
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-22 23:50:45 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-22 07:09 编辑

It was all in slow motion. Like a dream sequence in a movie. He saw what was happening four feet away from him, but he was completely detached from it. He heard his heart pounding. Racing. His breath was short, waiting for what he knew was inevitable. After taking a moment or two to get acquainted with this stranger's penis, she began to lower herself in front of him. She paused for a second to rub him on her breasts.

He did his best to sear the image into his brain. That hard cock, nestled between Karlie's blushing breasts. Her nipples were as hard as he had ever seen them. Her hand gently wrapped around the shaft, stroking and twisting.

After that brief pause, she continued her downward journey, her mouth open and eager to taste another man's cock. She took him immediately and Tim thought he might explode again. Her left hand slid to his balls, cupping them as she bobbed up and down on his rod.

Daniel pushed his hips forward, then placed his hands on both sides of Karlie's head. She responded by reaching up and around, squeezing his ass cheeks. Tim couldn't tell if she was pulling him into her mouth, or if he was in control of the rhythm. Either way, it was bringing pleasure to the three of them.

He loved watching Mickey's dick slide into Karlie's mouth, and he was enjoying this sight just as much. Maybe even more. Just as he began to wonder again about what that might say about him, Karlie turned to him.

"Fuck me, please."

The request was raspy, simple, direct.

Tim hopped back onto , moving behind Karlie Kloss. She spread her knees, arching her back, shoving her hips backward, and opening her pussy to him. She came the instant he entered her. He had expected to cum just as fast, but he didn't. In fact, he lasted far longer than normal, pounding Karlie straight into Daniel's dick. Somehow she was soaked and slick and open, yet her cunt seemed to grip him in a way that he didn't remember experiencing before. It was as though her body was hungry. Greedy. Demanding. She shrieked and moaned as they pushed her back and forth between them, using both of her holes for their pleasure, though it was clear that she was enjoying the sensation as much as they did.
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 楼主| modelsex 发表于 2023-12-23 00:15:14 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 modelsex 于 2023-12-22 07:19 编辑

Suddenly, she stiffened. All her movement ceased. Tim slowed his assault from behind.

"Don't stop," she cried. "Do it hard!"

He slammed into her hard enough that Daniel stepped back. He repeated the thrust, then another. Suddenly, he felt a warmth spreading down his balls and thighs. Karlie was silent, but convulsing, thrashing beneath him. She collapsed onto the trampoline, shuddering, then pulling herself into a fetal position.

For an instant, he was worried for her. He shouldn't have been.

"Oh fuck! That was incredible!" She smiled.

"Come here." She crooked a finger at both of them. Rolling onto her back, she directed them to either side of her head. She grinned at Tim like a schoolgirl preparing to do something "naughty" before turning to Daniel to take his dick in her mouth. After a few strokes, she turned to Tim. She alternated between the two, stroking one while she sucked the other. It was a sight Tim never wanted to forget. Indeed he felt his dick stretching again, pulling the skin tight all the way to his balls and beyond.

Eventually, she instructed them to lay side by side. It felt odd to have his shoulder pressed hard against another man's naked skin. Weirder yet to realize that they were joined at the hip and ass. But Daniel didn't see any more interested in him. Karlie shoved her left knee between Tim's legs and her right one between Daniel's. She leaned forward, wrapping her lips around Daniel's shaft while she stroked Tim. Then she switched. At one point she seemed to be trying to put both of them in her mouth at the same time.

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